Israel Teen Sex Pic Gallery
Several well-known revenge porn websites, including IsAnyoneUp and the Texxxan, have been taken down in response to actual or threatened legal action.[148] The former was investigated by the FBI after anti-revenge porn activist Charlotte Laws uncovered a hacking scheme associated with the website. Indictments for fifteen felonies were handed down under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act in January 2014 for the site owner and his accomplices, and the trial was initially set to begin in November 2014 in Los Angeles.[149] Hunter Moore, the owner of IsAnyoneUp pleaded guilty to hacking and identity theft in early 2015.[150] Moore was sentenced to two and a half years in prison on 2 December 2015.[151][152] By May 2017, Moore was out of prison.[153]
israel teen sex pic gallery
In December 2013, California Attorney General Kamala Harris charged Kevin Bollaert, who ran the revenge porn website UGotPosted, with 31 felony counts, including extortion and identity theft.[154] In March 2014, because the victim was under eighteen years old in the photos, a court in Ohio awarded damages of $385,000 against Bollaert. In April 2015 Bollaert was sentenced to 18 years in prison.[155] "Sitting behind a computer, committing what is essentially a cowardly and criminal act, will not shield predators from the law or jail", said Attorney General Harris following the verdict.[155] Also in California, a man named Noe Iniguez was given jail time for posting a naked photo of his ex-girlfriend on her employer's Facebook page.[156]
But wait! Have you read a single word of condemnation from the Palestinian side about the abominable murders of the three Israeli teens? Let alone news that the Palestinian police have been searching, successfully or not, for whoever did it?
It's convenient to lay all this at the feet of religion. Atheist governments killed more people in the 20th century than all wars in the previous nineteen combined. Seems to me that some people will find an excuse to commit atrocities no matter what their beliefs. You might as well blame all wars on the fact that people have fingers to light fuses and push buttons with.
Yes the palestinian rocket attacks are criminal and causes damage in Israel....but in 8 years of rockets attacks the number of killed israeli citizen is under 20.8 years of attacks and less than 20 dead.
"It's convenient to lay all this at the feet of religion. Atheist governments killed more people in the 20th century than all wars in the previous nineteen combined. Seems to me that some people will find an excuse to commit atrocities no matter what their beliefs. You might as well blame all wars on the fact that people have fingers to light fuses and push buttons with."
the problem isn't religion, it's human pride. that's the root cause of pretty much every problem in the world. economic crisis? pride. israel-palestine? pride. iraq? pride. sudan? pride. "pure" religion would do a lot to solve these problems, but that requires humility and grace - traits that are sorely lacking in most "world leaders".
Except for tiny minorities, that is. Refractary israelis, for one, the boldest of people who refuse to participate in this bloody genocide which is ongoing for 50 years. And the arabs who try to resist both Hamas' violence and Fatah's corruption.
it is ridiculous to try to equate the violence and hardship between both sides. israel is clearly the aggressor here and us americans must pressure our government to stop supporting any country or organization that breaks international law. israel should not get a free pass. they should not be above the law.
Chad Said --- "the problem isn't religion, it's human pride. that's the root cause of pretty much every problem in the world. economic crisis? pride. israel-palestine? pride. iraq? pride. sudan? pride. "PURE" religion would do a lot to solve these problems, but that requires humility and grace - traits that are sorely lacking in most "world leaders"."
These events are not about religion, and not about lands. Anyone who knows israelis would know that. You don't see Israel attacking the West Bank. Hamas is attacking civilians by rockets for years, hoping to hit as much people, even children, as the can.Both side are doing wrong for each other, but anyone who knows whats going on will tell you that the peace is more in the hands of the palestinies. I believe that two years of not terrorizing Israel will cause an extreme improvement in their situation, and finally complete freedom. Israel government (ever the right wing) is not interested in Gaza Strip. Noir almost whole of west bank.Meanwhile, I'ts like making peace with a wick but annoying and impatience kid of school. You have no chance but restrain him, and pray that he'll get more mature. An example of mature leader, is Abu Mazen, which most israelis hope will bring the peace.
Hamas is a extremist/terrorist group and must be stopped. But those that think you can stop them with bombs are fooling themselves. It will only make them stronger. Fear, poverty, lack of education and war is what fuels extremists. The israeli are rich and educated, they should know better, but they don't. In 100 years they will still be fighting.
if someone stole your land would you be mad ? This is what israel did, this is why the palestinians resist. There is UN agreements stating that israel does not have the right to control the gaza strip, westbank and have check points all through out these terrortories
Israel has been subject to many many terrorist attackes that have amounted to MANY INNOCENT CIVILIAN deaths. Shall I start the list... sbarro bombing, the shooting at Yeshivat Mercaz Harav, the recent ramming of a tractor into a BUSLOAD of INNOCENT CIVILIANS, or the car that was rammed into INNOCENT CIVILIANS at the western wall, or the suicide bombing at the Machane Yehuda shopping area, Ben Yehuda shopping area, the number 1 bus to the Western Wall.. etc etc etc etc etc.ALL of this is IN ADDITION to the DAILY rockets that southern israel has experienced for YEARS at the hands of HAMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well, of course some of u gonna find it trivial or ridiculous, but we are entering the apocalypsis zone, it isn't going to explode the whole earth and damage everything, but it will have significant affects on some particular things. It will cause the wars, ecological disasters, unrest, but it is going to be resistable.If you havn't noticed, we can already see the signs of it such as August war between Russia and Georgia, World financial crisis, and now the conflict between israelis and palestinians.Be positive, Stay calm, don't lose hope and everything's gonna be okay.Wish you peace, with love from Georgia
israel is using american made weapons and american tax payer dollars to wage this illegal war on a helpless population. our hands have just as much palestinian blood as the israelis do. we should be ashamed of this. no wonder we are hated so much in the world. everyone knows it too, yet our politicians let it happen. this has nothing to do with hamas firing rockets, that is not what started this. israel has held millions of people in a concentration camp for decades. the world has allowed this to happen, more importantly we are letting this happen. shame on us
yo soy mitad palestino .tengo familia de origen judio. pero el propocito de esta es decir la verdad los israelitas no crearon un estado democratico cuando la estrella de david esta en su un estado solo para judios en quitarles la tierra alos palestinos y eso inclullen alos judios que vivian en tiempos de la independencia de israel contra inglaterra. quieren acernos creer que cerrando la frontera de gaza y aniquilar su poblacion como iso usa con los indios y crear una recerbacion grande donde ellos controlan el mar.el aire i todo lo que entra en esa reguion ellos crearon hamas . pues un pueblo no puede vivir en una gran celda eso es gaza.una gran pricion para aniquilar a un pueblo , como lo alemanes hizieron con los judios en la segunda guerra mundial
i think that israel and usa are the nations who made the worst genocides in history since germany in 1939-1945. f*ck all americans, you are the guilties of the global situation in 2008. AMERICANS, think why you are hated all over the world!
it is sad to see people taking political sides in comments though. this is a human problem, not just middle-east, palestine, israel, some kind of localized, religion oriented, or race dependent problem. this is a problem to solve all over the world. everyone should take a look into his/her own soul, decisions, thoughts, acts. it is easy to see the wrongdoing of the other. but very rarely one dares to reflect their own consequences. all begins from our inside. the crime, the war, the hate, it is not something external, something that is submitted upon us from outside. it is the other way around. every person on the planet, instead of judging others, should begin with him/herself. stop the blame and pointless search of the culprit. stop thoughtlessness.
stop believing the Hamas interviews and sayings, they make fun out of the whole world. even when israel's gov gave them time, they kept sending out rockets on civiliens like there is no tomorrow.
true , hamas has been firing missiles into israel. true, many have been killed. and israel is defending itself. its killing 400+ innocents. 400+ brothers and sisters,mothers and those who support avenging the less than 50 brothers sisters fathers mothers killed in israel why dont u go out there urself?
I want to ask each and every comentators here- what would you do if your city was bombed every day for the last 8 years? every government that i know abaut, would defend its citizens. i want to reminde you that Isreal withdraed from Gaza and opend a dialog twith the plestinien authority to get a peace agreement. Tha hamas wants to destroy israel. they aim directly to the civiliens. the Israeli army is making a huge effort not to kill innocents.