Master Ethical Hacking and Network Defense Skills with this Second Edition PDF
Hands on Ethical Hacking and Network Defense 2nd Edition PDF Free 23
If you are interested in learning how to hack ethically and defend your network from cyberattacks, then you might want to check out this book: Hands on Ethical Hacking and Network Defense 2nd Edition. This book is a comprehensive guide that covers everything you need to know about ethical hacking and network defense, from the basics to the advanced topics. In this article, we will tell you what this book is about, why you need it, and how you can get it for free.
hands on ethical hacking and network defense 2nd edition pdf free 23
What is ethical hacking and network defense?
Ethical hacking is the practice of testing the security of a system or a network by simulating an attack from a malicious hacker. Ethical hackers use the same methods and tools as real hackers, but with the permission of the system or network owner. The goal of ethical hacking is to identify and fix vulnerabilities before they are exploited by malicious hackers.
Network defense is the practice of protecting a system or a network from unauthorized access, modification, or destruction. Network defenders use various strategies and techniques to monitor, detect, prevent, and respond to cyberattacks. The goal of network defense is to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the system or network.
Why do you need this book?
This book is designed for anyone who wants to learn how to hack ethically and defend their network from cyberattacks. Whether you are a student, a professional, or a hobbyist, this book will teach you the skills and knowledge you need to become a competent ethical hacker and network defender. You will learn how to:
Understand the concepts and principles of ethical hacking and network defense
Follow the steps of the ethical hacking process
Use various tools and techniques to perform reconnaissance, scanning, exploitation, post-exploitation, web application hacking, and wireless network hacking
Analyze and report your findings and recommendations
Apply the best practices of ethical hacking and network defense
Conduct ethical hacking legally and ethically
Protect your network from hackers
Keep your skills updated with the latest trends and developments
This book is written in a clear, concise, and practical manner. It contains hands-on exercises, case studies, examples, screenshots, tips, tricks, quizzes, review questions, lab projects, and online resources. It also comes with a CD-ROM that contains additional tools, videos, simulations, and practice exams.
How to get this book for free?
If you want to get this book for free, you have two options:
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Ethical Hacking and Network Defense Basics
The ethical hacking process
The ethical hacking process is a systematic approach to conducting a security assessment of a system or a network. It consists of five phases:
Planning and scoping
This phase involves defining the scope, objectives, and rules of engagement of the ethical hacking project. It also involves gathering information about the target system or network, such as its architecture, components, services, users, and policies.
This phase involves collecting more detailed information about the target system or network, such as its IP addresses, domain names, open ports, running services, operating systems, applications, vulnerabilities, and security controls. This phase can be performed actively or passively.
This phase involves verifying and validating the information gathered in the reconnaissance phase. It also involves identifying more vulnerabilities and weaknesses in the target system or network. This phase can be performed using various tools and techniques, such as port scanners, vulnerability scanners, network mappers, packet sniffers, and protocol analyzers.
This phase involves exploiting the vulnerabilities and weaknesses found in the scanning phase. It also involves gaining access to the target system or network, escalating privileges, maintaining persistence, and executing commands. This phase can be performed using various tools and techniques, such as exploit frameworks, shellcode generators, password crackers, rootkits, backdoors, and trojans.
This phase involves performing further actions on the compromised target system or network, such as exfiltrating data, installing malware, deleting logs, covering tracks, pivoting to other systems or networks, and launching denial-of-service attacks. This phase can be performed using various tools and techniques, such as file transfer tools, keyloggers, spyware, ransomware, botnets, and flooders.
Analysis and reporting
This phase involves analyzing and documenting the results of the ethical hacking project. It also involves presenting the findings and recommendations to the system or network owner. This phase can be performed using various tools and techniques, such as report generators, presentation software, charts, graphs, tables, and diagrams.
The network defense strategies
The network defense strategies are the methods and measures used to protect a system or a network from unauthorized access, modification, or destruction. They can be classified into four categories:
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This category involves preventing cyberattacks from happening in the first place. It includes implementing security policies and standards, hardening systems and networks, applying patches and updates, configuring firewalls and routers, encrypting data and communications, using strong passwords and authentication methods, and educating users and staff.
This category involves detecting cyberattacks when they occur or after they occur. It includes monitoring systems and networks, analyzing logs and traffic, using intrusion detection systems and antivirus software, performing audits and assessments, and reporting incidents and breaches.
This category involves responding to cyberattacks when they are detected or reported. It includes isolating systems and networks, containing threats and malware, eradicating infections and backdoors, restoring data and functionality, and notifying authorities and stakeholders.
This category involves recovering from cyberattacks after they are resolved or mitigated. It includes reviewing systems and networks, identifying root causes and lessons learned, implementing corrective and preventive actions, improving security posture and resilience, and evaluating performance and effectiveness.
The tools and techniques
The tools and techniques are the instruments and methods used to perform ethical hacking and network defense tasks. They can be classified into two types:
Software tools
These are the programs and applications that run on computers or devices. They can be used to perform various functions, such as scanning, exploiting, analyzing, reporting, etc. Some examples of software tools are Nmap, Metasploit, Wireshark, Nessus, Burp Suite, etc.
Hardware tools
These are the devices and equipment that connect to computers or networks. They can be used to perform various functions, such as capturing, injecting, spoofing, jamming, etc. Some examples of hardware tools are network cards, antennas, routers, switches, hubs, etc.
Ethical Hacking and Network Defense Scenarios
Reconnaissance and scanning
Reconnaissance and scanning are the first steps of the ethical hacking process. They involve collecting information about the target system or network. This information can be used to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses that can be exploited later. Reconnaissance can be performed passively or actively. Passive reconnaissance involves gathering information without interacting with the target system or network. Active reconnaissance involves gathering information by sending packets or requests to the target system or network. Scanning involves verifying and validating the information gathered by reconnaissance. It can be performed using various tools and techniques, such as port scanners, vulnerability scanners, network mappers, packet sniffers, protocol analyzers, etc.
Some examples of reconnaissance and scanning scenarios are:
Finding out the IP address range of a target network using a tool like WHOIS or DNS lookup.
Determining the open ports and services running on a target system using a tool like Nmap or Zenmap.
Identifying the operating system and application versions of a target system using a tool like Nmap or Banner Grabbing.
Discovering the vulnerabilities and misconfigurations of a target system using a tool like Nessus or OpenVAS.
Mapping the topology and layout of a target network using a tool like Nmap or Traceroute.
Capturing and analyzing the packets and traffic of a target network using a tool like Wireshark or Tcpdump.
Detecting the firewall rules and filters of a target network using a tool like Nmap or Hping.
Exploitation and post-exploitation
Article with HTML formatting (continued) and executing commands. Exploitation and post-exploitation can be performed using various tools and techniques, such as exploit frameworks, shellcode generators, password crackers, rootkits, backdoors, and trojans.
Some examples of exploitation and post-exploitation scenarios are:
Exploiting a buffer overflow vulnerability in a web server using a tool like Metasploit or Immunity Debugger.
Exploiting a SQL injection vulnerability in a web application using a tool like SQLmap or Havij.
Exploiting a cross-site scripting vulnerability in a web page using a tool like BeEF or XSSer.
Cracking the password of a target system using a tool like John the Ripper or Hashcat.
Escalating the privileges of a target system using a tool like PsExec or Metasploit.
Maintaining the persistence of a target system using a tool like Netcat or Metasploit.
Exfiltrating data from a target system using a tool like SCP or FTP.
Installing malware on a target system using a tool like Meterpreter or Empire.
Deleting logs and covering tracks on a target system using a tool like CCleaner or Timestomp.
Pivoting to other systems or networks using a tool like Proxychains or SSH.
Launching denial-of-service attacks on a target system or network using a tool like LOIC or HOIC.
Web application hacking
Web application hacking is a special type of ethical hacking that focuses on web applications. Web applications are programs that run on web servers and interact with web browsers. They can provide various functions and services, such as online shopping, banking, social networking, gaming, etc. Web applications can also have various vulnerabilities and weaknesses that can be exploited by hackers. Web application hacking involves testing the security of web applications by simulating attacks from malicious users or hackers. Web application hacking can be performed using various tools and techniques, such as web proxies, web scanners, web fuzzers, web exploiters, etc.
Some examples of web application hacking scenarios are:
Intercepting and modifying the requests and responses between the web browser and the web server using a tool like Burp Suite or ZAP.
Identifying and exploiting common web application vulnerabilities, such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting, file inclusion, command injection, etc. using a tool like Acunetix or Nikto.
Brute-forcing the login credentials of a web application using a tool like Hydra or Ncrack.
Bypassing the authentication and authorization mechanisms of a web application using a tool like Tamper Data or Cookie Editor.
Exploiting the business logic flaws of a web application using a tool like Burp Suite or ZAP.
Testing the session management and cookie security of a web application using a tool like Cookie Cadger or Cookie Monster.
Testing the input validation and output encoding of a web application using a tool like Wfuzz or XSStrike.
Testing the error handling and exception handling of a web application using a tool like Burp Suite or ZAP.
Wireless network hacking
Article with HTML formatting (continued) wireless scanners, wireless sniffers, wireless exploiters, etc.
Some examples of wireless network hacking scenarios are:
Finding and identifying the wireless networks in range using a tool like Airodump-ng or Kismet.
Cracking the encryption keys of a wireless network using a tool like Aircrack-ng or Reaver.
Sniffing and capturing the wireless traffic of a wireless network using a tool like Wireshark or Tcpdump.
Injecting and modifying the wireless packets of a wireless network using a tool like Aireplay-ng or Scapy.
Creating and connecting to a rogue access point using a tool like Airbase-ng or Karma.
Launching denial-of-service attacks on a wireless network using a tool like Aireplay-ng or MDK3.
Evading the detection and prevention systems of a wireless network using a tool like Airmon-ng or Macchanger.
Ethical Hacking and Network Defense Best Practices
How to conduct ethical hacking legally and ethically
Ethical hacking is not the same as malicious hacking. Ethical hacking is done with the permission and consent of the system or network owner. Ethical hacking is done for the purpose of improving the security and performance of the system or network. Ethical hacking is done in accordance with the laws and regulations of the relevant jurisdictions. Ethical hacking is done in a responsible and professional manner. To conduct ethical hacking legally and ethically, you should follow these best practices:
Obtain a written contract or agreement from the system or network owner that defines the scope, objectives, and rules of engagement of the ethical hacking project.
Respect the privacy and confidentiality of the system or network owner and their data and information.
Do not cause any harm or damage to the system or network or any other systems or networks connected to it.
Do not perform any actions that are beyond the scope, objectives, and rules of engagement of the ethical hacking project.
Do not use any tools or techniques that are illegal or prohibited by the system or network owner or by the laws and regulations of the relevant jurisdictions.
Do not disclose any findings or recommendations to anyone other than the system or network owner or their authorized representatives.
Report any incidents or breaches that you encounter during the ethical hacking project to the system or network owner as soon as possible.
Maintain accurate and complete records and documentation of your ethical hacking activities and results.
How to protect your network from hackers
Hackers are constantly looking for ways to compromise your network and steal your data and resources. Hackers can use various methods and techniques to attack your network, such as phishing, malware, brute force, denial-of-service, etc. To protect your network from hackers, you should follow these best practices:
Implement security policies and standards that define the roles, responsibilities, and rules for your network users and staff.
Harden your systems and networks by disabling unnecessary services, removing unused accounts, applying patches and updates, etc.
Configure your firewalls and routers to block unwanted traffic and allow only authorized traffic.
Encrypt your data and communications using strong encryption algorithms and keys.
Use strong passwords and authentication methods for your systems and networks. Change your passwords regularly and do not share them with anyone.
Educate your users and staff about the common cyber threats and how to avoid them. Teach them how to recognize phishing emails, malicious links, suspicious attachments, etc.
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Perform audits and assessments of your systems and networks to identify and fix any vulnerabilities or weaknesses.
Report any incidents or breaches that you experience or witness to the relevant authorities and stakeholders.
Review your systems and networks regularly and implement corrective and preventive actions to improve your security posture and resilience.
Evaluate your performance and effectiveness and seek feedback and improvement opportunities.
How to keep your skills updated
Ethical hacking and network defense are dynamic and evolving fields. New technologies, tools, techniques, threats, and trends emerge every day. To keep your skills updated, you should follow these best practices:
Read books, articles, blogs, newsletters, magazines, etc. that cover the latest developments and best practices in ethical hacking and network defense.
Watch videos, podcasts, webinars, courses, etc. that demonstrate and explain the latest tools and techniques in ethical hacking and network defense.
Participate in forums, communities, groups, events, conferences, etc. that discuss and share the latest issues and challenges in ethical hacking and network defense.
Practice your skills on online platforms, labs, simulations, challenges, etc. that provide realistic and hands-on scenarios in ethical hacking and network defense.
Obtain certifications, credentials, badges, etc. that validate your skills and knowledge in ethical hacking and network defense.
In this article, we have covered the topic of "hands on ethical hacking and network defense 2nd edition pdf free 23". We have explained what ethical hacking and network defense are, why you need this book, how to get this book for free, what are the basics of ethical hacking and network defense, what are some scenarios of ethical hacking and network defense, and what are the best practi